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# Type at least 1 character to search # Hit enter to search or ESC to close
LenixArt allows you to upload and share your artworks with the world. Using our upload tool, you can also edit your artwork and delete artworks
Step 1 – Hover over your name from the main menu and select Upload Artwork (see below image). You’ll be directed to the Upload Artwork page.
Or, if you're looking at your Dashboard, click Upload Artwork in the first box left corner, directed to the Upload Artwork page.
Step 2 – Click and Upload Image button, A pop up of your computer's files will appear. Browse for the image file you’d like to upload. Select that file and it will begin upload onto Saatchi Art.
Once your work has been uploaded, click the Save button(Black Button) on the lower right corner to proceed to the next step.
Step 3 – Next, select your artwork as For Sale, Not For Sale and Sold.
Next, provide the title of your artwork.
Next, provide the accurate size of your artwork without frame. Be certain to note your account's preferred measurement (Imperial/IN). This can be found in your Account Information.
If your work is a flat work on paper or canvas, we recommend to provide .1 as the depth.
Step 4 – Next, select the subject of your artwork from the drop-down menu selection. select the category of your artwork from the drop-down menu selection. select the mediums of your artwork from the drop-down menu selection minimum 1 to 5. select the style of your artwork from the drop-down menu selection minimum 1 to 5. select the materials of your artwork from the drop-down menu selection minimum 1 to 5.
Once your artwork select comleted, click the Artwork Decription(Black Button) on the lower right corner to proceed to the next step.
Step 5 – Next, provide at least 5 keywords that relate to you or the artwork. They can any word that is relative to your creative process and/or the artwork itself.
The art description needs to be at least 50 characters. Feel free to write as much information as you wish to describe your artwork and your creative process. Please also note how you intend to ship the artwork. Your customers will appreciate your explanation so they know how it will arrive to them!
Once your artwork select comleted, click the Artwork Packaging(Black Button) on the lower right corner to proceed to the next step.
Step 6 – Next, provide the price of your artwork. IMPORTANT: The cost of packaging and shipping is the responsibility of the artist. You must factor in the cost of packaging materials into your artwork price. We will show you the commission amount you will make on your sale as well as the total price. Note that the Must enter artwork price with shipping charge.
Next, select the method that you will packaging the artwork to your customer.
Next, select the year you have created the artwork, if you would like to sell the original artwork, if you would like to sell as a Print select yes
Once your artwork select comleted, click the Save Change(Black Button) on the lower right corner to proceed to the final complte uploading artwork.